Stephanie Ostermann
When I say Word Nerd, I mean it:
I play a mean game of Scrabble, can read and write backwards, and always win that baby shower game where you scramble the letters of random baby related words and make new words out of them. My favourite part of any song is a good line of lyrics, and I have a journal just for quotes I want to remember (And approximately 4 other journals on the go, too, but I digress).
And I write. I write tens of thousands of words a week. I write for myself, I write for my clients, I write for the love of it and for the love of money (gotta fund my lipgloss and tattoo addictions somehow!).
Oh, and I write killer copy in my sleep. (Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. I haven’t perfected my sleep writing methods quite yet.)
We can probably blame this guy: My high school English teacher, Mr. Penfold.
He ran the Literary Society, our afterschool club for a group of misfit grunge kids with notebooks full of the saddest things you’ve ever read. But he taught us all about writing – fostering my early obsession with Susan Musgrave and Margaret Atwood, showing me the many ways we can play with words to evoke feeling, drive desire, and illuminate secrets.
Basically, he’s my hero.
So now I’ve ditched the baby doll dresses, eight hole Doc Martens and Cocoa Bean lipstick (I wish I was kidding) but I’ve never lost that love for words. Paired with an innate sense for the ultimate message you’re trying to convey to your clients, if you can dream it up, I can write it down.